Some Effective Floating Hacks


Here are some top 5 ways you can maximize the benefits of flotation:

  • Deep breathing; It slows down the rate of respiration and relaxes the nervous system. Deep breathing is not always comfortable though - especially if you are only starting this technique -  so you might prefer a more pleasant form of relaxation. That is fine too.
  • Relaxing Music; Use waterproof headphones to listen to relaxing music. Avoid music with lyrics, as they will distract you from the relaxation. Instead, choose music with slow tempo, or even better, with nature sound tracks. But if you prefer a soundless session, that is fine too.
  • Positive Thoughts; The mind can cause tension, so make sure that you are thinking positive while you float. If you have been stressed or anxious, take a few minutes to think about your best memories, and how wonderful it feels to be at peace and relaxed. On the other hand, if you prefer not to force any thoughts, then by all means let your mind wander. 
  • Visualization; Close your eyes and visualize yourself in a peaceful place, like on a beach for example. Or any other place that makes you happy and calm. Try not to force these images, but let them come naturally to you. This will allow you to focus on relaxation rather than forced visualizations. In other words, let the images flow naturally.
  • Warm water; It’s important to stay comfortable and relaxed while you float, so you don't experience any kind of shivering. The warmer the water, the more comfortable you'll feel when floating.


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Is Floating Good For You?

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If you're looking for ways to improve your overall health and wellbeing, you may want to consider floating in a pool or sea. Floating is a therapeutic practice used to encourage relaxation and reduce stress. 


With our modern busy lifestyle, constantly on the move and in a hurry, our bodies are subjected to a lot of stress and tension . This leads to a lot of complications for both physical and mental health. In fact, studies suggest that up to 90 percent of all illness and disease can be attributed to stress and tension. With the constant state of stress and tension, blood circulation is gradually hampered, which leads to a lack of oxygen flow to different parts of the body. Stress also causes our bodies to be in a constant state of alertness, which affects our sleep and in turn, our brains’ ability to heal and rest. 


We are all looking for some ways to relax, to get our minds off our problems, and to take our bodies away from the stresses of everyday life. There are many ways to relax,  but one of the most effective ways is floating. That is what we will discuss in this article.


What Does It Mean To Float?


​Floating is the buoyant state of a body in water. And because water is denser than air, it supports your weight. While floating, you'll feel weightless. Water simple counters the force of gravity and allows you to float for hours effortlessly without feeling any strain on your joints or muscles. This is what makes floating very effective for relaxation and meditation. 


How Does Floating Benefit Your Body?


​As has been noted, floating makes you relax, which reduces stress, help you sleep better, regulates blood pressure, improves breathing and helps reduce pain. It also helps your body to recover faster from illness and injury, and boosts your immune system. When you float, the pressure on your body is reduced, which in turn reduces swelling and allows your body to heal faster. The benefits are not limited to physical health, as floating can help with emotional and spiritual well-being too. When floating in water - with your ears submerged in water - your brain is completely free of sensory input so you can fully relax, with no outside distractions. This results in an altered state of consciousness, which opens you up to heightened awareness, deep relaxation and increased creativity. 


How Does Floating Compare To Other Relaxation Methods?


​What makes flotation stand out from other forms of land-based therapies is that you are carried along by the water, allowing you to reach full relaxation without physical effort. This is in contrast to many land relaxation techniques, such as yoga, which requires a level of effort and exertion. Even when lying down on the floor some body parts will still be affected by gravity, resulting in tension. With floating, there is no such thing. You can float and feel completely relaxed.  


When Is The Best Time To Practice Floating?


​The benefits of floating can be felt immediately, and you do not need to go through a process of building up to achieve relaxation. However, the longer you float, the more benefits you'll experience. The best time to practice floating is during the evening so you can sleep peacefully afterward. Another ideal time would be after the aqua fitness session. Try to float for at least 15 minutes after cooling down and stretching, and see how more relaxed you'll feel for the rest of the day. 


What Are Different Ways To Practice Floating?


​Not all people can float naturally. That is why we use flotation devices. There are many different types of floats available, such as pool noodles, life vests and even floating pillows. Floating Tanks are becoming more and more popular in health clubs. That is due to their economical sizes.  All these different types of flotation devices work in a similar way, they allow you to float in water and be carried along by it. If you don’t have access to a pool or floating tank, you can use a large bathtub.

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